Your companion’s first consultation is approximately one hour long during which your companion will have a full physiotherapy assessment according to your companion’s condition. We will discuss their full history from puppyhood to their current state, their lifestyle, diet, current medication, home environment as well as the condition of concern. Getting to know your companion and gathering this information allows us to discuss the best way forward with therapy. Together we generate a treatment plan that serves both you and your companion. 

What makes the BARCC & AARCC examination different to that of a routine veterinary check-up? A rehabilitation/physiotherapy examination looks carefully at your companion’s gait, their ability to move, a thorough palpation of the musculoskeletal system as well as neurological function when indicated.Small animal rehabilitation makes use of goniometric as well as muscle mass measurements. Goniometry is the measurement of the range of motion of a joint, the flexibility of the joint and its ability to perform its normal function. Each joint of the body will have a specific range of motion expected in a healthy individual. A compromised joint will have a reduced range of motion and that is what we aim to improve. 

The measurement of your companions muscle mass allows us to note the favouring of limbs or weight shifting present. For example we measure your companions two thigh circumferences or shoulder circumferences, assessing their equality and size. We strive to improve and equalise muscle mass in the two sides of the body. 

Neurological tests enable us to grade and assess their level of function or compromise as well as monitor their progress. 

Observing their movement at different speeds, their ability to navigate obstacles and way in which they stand and sit gives vital information as to their movement quality and mechanisms of compensation. 

Hands on palpation allows us to feel altered ranges of joints, size and possible stiffness of muscles, restriction of areas of the body, levels of discomfort and detect abnormalities not obvious to the eye. 

These assessments are clinical tools that allow the objective monitoring of a patient’s progress during their therapy program. BARCC makes use of positive reinforcement while working with our patients, ensuring their comfort and we advise that you bring your companion’s favourite treats or toys with to the consultation to encourage them. We need and encourage your participation during the consultation and therapy. You will be holding your companion while they are assessed, which is done on padded gym mats on the floor. Please wear comfortable and appropriate clothing allowing participation. Should you be unable to do this, please notify us in advance so that additional support may be arranged.

Your companion’s favourite treats and/or toys

Diagnostic material i.e. x-rays, MRI scans, CT scans, from your routine veterinarian or specialist centres (if applicable)

Blood test results and a list of current medications (if applicable) as well as the name of the diet fed and list of treats, if any.

Completed Registration and Consent to Treat documents

Give us a BARCC, your companion will thank you for it.

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